
President makes several pledges for the citizens in Dhuvaafaru

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has pledged to register citizens of Kandholhudhoo as residents of Dhuvaafaru. Kandholhudhoo sustained devastating damages in the 2004 tsunami and the citizens who lived in the island have been living in Dhuvaafaru.

Speaking in the ceremony held in Dhuvaafaru to mark this year’s Unity Day, President Solih noted the homes of the citizens in Dhuvaafaru will be registered to their respective owners as per his presidential pledge. Further, the president pledged to conduct a land reclamation project in Dhuvaafaru as the island has run out of proper living space.

Moreover, the president pledged to provide laboratory services in the health centre in Dhuvaafaru and to ensure round-the-clock healthcare services are provided from health centre. Noting the fisheries sector has flourished in the island over the years, the president noted the policies of the administration for the fisheries sector would further enhance the island community.

During his speech, President Solih noted the lives lost and the people unaccounted for during the 2004 tsunami and highlighted the unity shown by the people of Maldives as exemplary in such tragedies. He noted thousands of Maldivians lost their livelihood that day but showed patience and determination to overcome the challenges.

The catastrophe that shocked the nation on December 26, 2004, claimed 82 lives and left 26 people lost and unaccounted for. Over 15,000 people lost their homes.