
Presidential commission to investigate 25 cases

Presidential Commission on Investigation of Murders and Enforced Disappearances has decided to conduct investigations on 25 cases.

Speaking at a press conference held at the President's Office, President of the Commission Husnu Al Suood said the cases that would be investigated include the murder of former Parliamentarian Dr. Afrasheem Ali, murder of blogger Yameen Rasheed, disappearance of journalist Ahmed Rilwan and the murder of Raudha Athif while studying in Bangladesh. Moreover, Husnu Al Suood stated the commission will seek assistance from international agencies.

In this regard, he revealed a consultant from Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) will assist the commission in its efforts to swiftly investigate the cases. He said two selected cases will be investigated publicly via live telecast. The presidential commission had aimed to conclude all 25 cases within three months.

The commission has been granted all powers of an investigative authority. The commission is mandated to investigate murders and enforced disappearances which have taken place in Maldives from January 1, 2012, to November 17, 2018.

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih established the commission on his first day in office. The presidential commission comprises of Husnu Al Suood as its president, Adam Ibrahim, Fareesha Abdulla and Misbaah Abbas as its members.