
Presidential Commission receives information on 3 high profile cases

Presidential Commission on Investigation of Murders and Enforced Disappearances reveals information have been received on the murder of former Parliamentarian Dr. Afrasheem Ali, the murder of blogger Yameen Rasheed and the disappearance of journalist Ahmed Rilwan.

Speaking to the press, President of the Commission Husnu Al Suood said large quantity of information has been gathered on the most high profile 3 cases in the list of cases to be investigated by the commission. Husnu Al Suood expressed several government authorities, especially Maldives Police Service, have been cooperating with the investigation conducted by the commission.

Suood said the commission had noticed there is a connection between the three cases and that the commission is also looking in to the rumours that other deaths and incidents have taken place to cover up evidence regarding the three cases. He noted the commission will not alone conclude the investigations but rather would consider the advice of international experts and local investigative authorities. The presidential commission has aimed to conclude all 25 cases in the list within three months.

The commission has been granted all powers of an investigative authority. The commission is mandated to investigate murders and enforced disappearances which have taken place in Maldives from January 1, 2012, to November 17, 2018.

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih established the commission on his first day in office. The presidential commission comprises of Husnu Al Suood as its president, Adam Ibrahim, Fareesha Abdulla and Misbaah Abbas as its members.