
Government fulfils 56 of the 67 pledges to be achieved by the first 30 working days

As part of its continuing efforts to deliver good governance and greater economic benefits to the people of Maldives, the government has today announced that it is on track to deliver its pledges. Marking its first 30 working days on 2nd January, the government said it has delivered 56 pledges out of the 67 pledges earmarked for this period, an achievement rate of 84 percent. These include pledges across 19 different sectors covering a wide-range of issue areas such as higher education, anti-corruption, healthcare, transport and democracy and human rights.

A key highlight during the administration’s first 30 days of work, includes a return to constitutional rule and restoring the democratic rights of citizens. Important achievements in this regard include, annulling the Anti-Defamation Act which stifled freedom of expression and placed limitations on media to operate independently. Restoring public confidence in law enforcement has been a key focus with a significant police reform program undertaken within this period. Additionally, the Commission on Investigation of Murders and Enforced Disappearances has been formed and is currently making progress on high profile murders and disappearances that happened in past years.

Youth development, especially youth education is a high priority area in the government’s first working 30 days. In this regard, the government has delivered on its pledge to provide free education up to Bachelor’s degree at all local college and institutes. Similarly, the government has also delivered on its pledge to provide relief to students pursuing tertiary studies overseas by reducing the interest rate of student loans to 3 percent and increasing the repayment period by 25 percent. Additionally, students who achieve exceptional results in the National High Achievers list are now eligible for scholarships in universities in OECD countries.

Other noteworthy achievements include formally requesting Maldives’ membership in the Commonwealth, devolvement of greater powers and responsibilities previously withheld to city councils and reviewing existing legal frameworks to empower local councils. The government’s environmental record also started positively with the establishment of protected areas in Baarah and Neykurendhoo and the entire island of Keylakunu. Health sector achievements include the expansion of Aasandha health insurance coverage for therapeutic treatments as well as the ability to request for services even if an individual’s national identity card has expired.

“We are very proud of our achievements within such a short period of time. We fully recognize that this is just a small fraction of the tasks that lay ahead of us, but we are encouraged by the progress we made and we will work even harder to ensure that we deliver on our promise of a government that is consultative and that delivers positive economic growth and national development while ensuring the democratic rights of Maldivians,’’ according to President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih.

For its first 100 working days which culminates on March 27, 2019, the government of Maldives has earmarked 161 pledges across 21 ministries.