
Adeeb transferred back to prison

Maldives Correctional Service has transferred former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb back to prison. The transfer was made at a time when Minister of Home Affairs Imran Abdulla had announced his 33-year prison sentence will be completed.

Following the transfer, close ally of Ahmed Adeeb, Parliamentarian Yameen Rasheed said Adeeb has not completed his medical treatment, adding his health has not gotten better. He also called on the government and the home minister to immediately transfer him back to house arrest.

Meanwhile, Home Minister Imran assured his condition will be closely monitored in prison, adding he was transferred to house arrest upon the doctor's recommendation after he underwent surgery to dissolve kidney stones.

During the house arrest, Adeeb has begun political activities and has formed Maldives Third-way Democrats (MTD). Adeeb was also appointed as the interim president of MTD. However, any individual who is in detention and completing a sentence cannot fill a position of a political party, according to the Political Party Act.

Adeeb is serving a 33-year jail sentence over orchestrating an assassination attempt on former President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom and for his involvement in major corruption scandals, including the Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC) embezzlement case. He has been under arrest since October 2015.