
Umar Naseer expresses keenness to cooperate with authorities on blast probe

Co-chair of the National Inquiry Commission formed to investigate the blast on presidential speed launch and the Minister of Home Affairs Umar Naseer, during the last administration, has revealed he is ready to cooperate if the investigation is relaunched, even though the outcome will be the same.

Speaking to PSM News regarding the recently spread comments on the presidential launch blast, Umar Naseer said the comments circulated now are false. He said he will not hesitate to answer the authorities if needed.

Furthermore, Umar added the investigation was conducted by four countries, including the USA and the team analysed the footage of the scene recorded by the videographer allocated for the president. Umar assured the validity of all the evidence on the blast.

While the acting Commissioner of Police Mohamed Hameed has announced discussions will be held with Prosecutor General to finalise whether the investigation needs to be relaunched, Umar Naseer said he will welcome the decision of the administration to relaunch the investigation if the authorities believe the case was concluded false.

Highlighting the National Inquiry Commission did not hold back any information from the investigations and were sent out to the judiciary, Umar Naseer noted teams from FBI, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka conducted a multinational investigation on the case. In addition, He said the strongest explosives was used in the blast and the fire will only be seen in slow motion.

Responding to comments made by former Presidential Spokesperson Ibrahim Muaz Ali, Umar Naseer described it as spreading propaganda to make it look like former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb is clear of all charges. On conclusion, he added the government should not release any criminal even if political detainees are released.