
Political appointees to hand over possible bribes to ACC

The President's Office has asked political appointees to hand over possible bribes to Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC). President's Office made the decision in the amendment made to the code of conduct which needs to be followed by political appointees.

All gifts which are questionable, which may be considered as a bribe or any gift which raises questions of loyalty and faithfulness must be handed over to the President's Office or a person allocated by the president, according to the amendment.

In the amendment, the President's Office states any gift received under questionable circumstances will be considered as a bribe. In addition, the amendment states if a person gifts anything seeking a service from the government, the case must be notified at ACC.

The code of conduct for political appointees was formulated in 2012. Under the amendment made to the conduct, political appointees must be answerable to the president, vice president, relevant ministers or heads of offices.