
Vice President assures more schools will be established in Hulhumale'

Vice President Faisal Naseem has said it is an aim of the administration to build more schools in Hulhumale in an attempt to provide opportunities for the growing population.

The vice president had visited and inquired about Huravee School which is under construction in Hulhumale’. During his visit, the vice president met with the senior management of the school, where he was briefed on the progress of the school building which is to be completed for the first term of the academic year 2019. He also toured the school site.

Speaking to PSM News, the vice president noted the population of Hulhumale’ has been increasing gradually and the administration will provide educational institutions that are sufficient for the whole community. He also highlighted the insufficient space in most of the schools in Maldives and assured the administration will attend to the needs of the people.

The 50-classroom Huravee School can accommodate 1,400 students.