
PSM to give importance to regain public trust

The Managing Director of Public Service Media (PSM) Ali Khalid has stated importance will be given to regain the public trust to PSM.

Speaking on a programme aired on VTV, Managing Director Ali Khalid said the public has lost trust for the state media and expressed his steadfast commitment to regain the public trust. Ali Khalid added the situation of the company has worsened in recent times due to the actions of the past management. In this regard, Khalid revealed the debt of the company has also increased immensely.

Moreover, Khalid noted the past management bought some equipment against procurement regulations, revealing 15 such cases have been identified so far. Expressing the staff are very much demotivated, he said priority will be given to solve such matters.

On conclusion, Ali Khalid assured the media will be run unbiased and independent.