
Maldives hosts G16 on allocation of fishing opportunities for IOTC

Maldives have hosted a meeting of the Indian Ocean Coastal States (G16) on allocation of fishing opportunities for Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC). The meeting, attended by 16 Indian Ocean Coastal States, was officially inaugurated by Minister of Fisheries, Agriculture and Marine Resources Zaha Waheed.

Maldives initiated and submitted a paper at the 21st meeting of IOTC to allocate a highest level of fishing opportunities in Indian Ocean. The meeting held in Maldives is to agree on the highest level and to agree on common grounds.

Speaking to PSM News, Fisheries Minister Zaha Waheed said it would be an advantage to small islands such as Maldives, following the passing of the resolution.

The Maldivian delegation attending the meeting is headed by Director General of Fisheries Ministry Dr. Shiham Adam. The meeting is attended by representatives from South Africa, Seychelles, Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Kenya, Madagascar, Iran, Indonesia, Somalia, Mozambique, Mauritius, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Tanzania.

IOTC is an intergovernmental organisation mandated to manage tuna and tuna-like species in the Indian Ocean and adjacent seas. The objective of the commission is to promote cooperation among its members with a view to ensuring, through appropriate management, the conservation and the optimisation of the utilisation of stocks in the area and encouraging sustainable development of fisheries based on such stocks.