
Yameen submitted financial statement only twice during tenure

Auditor General's Office report has revealed former President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom submitted his financial statements only twice, in his five year term in office.

Auditor General's Office had revealed details about individuals who were obliged to submit financial statements, those who have submitted financial statements and those who have not submitted financial statements between November 17, 2013 and November 17, 2018.

Former President Yameen submitted his financial statements only twice, in his five year term in office, according to the report published by the Auditor General's Office. In this regard, the former president submitted the audit reports in 2014 and 2018. Further, n 2018, the statement was submitted two days prior to completing his term in office.

During his tenure as president, three individuals served as vice presidents. Among those who served as vice presidents between 2013 and 2018, Dr. Mohamed Jameel Ahmed submitted his financial statement only in 2014. His successor Ahmed Adeeb did not submit a financial statement. Nor did Abdulla Jihad, who succeeded Adeeb to the position.

Further, Adeeb did not submit a financial statement during the three years he served as Minister of Tourism. Jihad did not submit a financial statement during his time as Minister of Finance and Treasury.

Among cabinet ministers who served between 2013 and 2018, Minister of Economic Development Mohamed Saeed, Minister of Youth and Sports Iruthisham Adam, Minister of Youth and Sports Mohamed Maleeh Jamal, Minister of Health Abdulla Nazim, Minister of Home Affairs Azleen Ahmed, Minister of Transport Ameen Ibrahim and Minister of Defence Moosa Ali Jaleel never submitted their financial statements.

The audit report comes at a time when the financial statements of incumbent president, vice president, cabinet ministers and high ranking government officials have been published by the President's Office.