
Adhaalath Party aims to maintain coalition government

Adhaalath Party has said the aim is to maintain the coalition government and win a majority in the parliamentary elections for President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih. The party made the statement following disagreements within the coalition and Leader of Jumhooree Party Qasim Ibrahim expressing interest to compete in the parliamentary elections with other political parties except the main ruling party, Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP).

In a tweet, Adhaalath Party noted keenness to win a majority of the seats for the coalition and highlighted the party aims to promote national interests over party ideologies. The coalition partner also added the party will always prioritise peace and harmony.

Meanwhile, another coalition partner, former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom has also called to put forth harmony of the nation over ideologies of political parties.

The coalition is in disagreement regarding the allocation of parliament seats for the upcoming parliamentary elections. MDP has already held primary elections and announced the candidates it would be fielding, prompting Leader of Jumhooree Party Qasim Ibrahim expressing readiness to break away from the coalition with the main ruling party and to join with other political parties for the upcoming parliamentary elections.

However, comments from Adhaalath Party and Maumoon Reform Movement have revealed they are keen to compete for a limited seats and keep the government coalition intact.