
Adeeb transferred back to prison after 15 days in hospital

Former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb has been taken back to Mafushi Prison.

The former vice president has been admitted in Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) since January 4. Adeeb was kept in house arrest for two months before being transferred to prison by Maldives Correctional Service. However, once back in prison, his health had deteriorated and was once more taken to the hospital for treatment.

The former president’s family, political allies and his political movement, Maldives Third-Way Democrats (MTD), have expressed dismay as he was transferred back to prison before his medical treatment was complete. They have also accused Minister of Home Affairs Imran Abdulla for pressuring the medical team to release him back to prison.

However, Adeeb has been getting proper medical care from Mafushi Prison and IGMH, according to the correctional service. Adeeb is imprisoned in the special protection unit. He is completing a 33-year jail sentence after the court found him guilty for terrorism and corruption.