
Kulhudhuffushi Council requests to dissolve agreement with Noorul Islam

Kulhudhuffushi Island Council has asked President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih to dissolve the agreement made with Noorul Islam International Private Limited to develop and operate Kulhudhuffushi Regional Hospital. The request was made by Kulhudhuffushi Council at a meeting held with President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih.

Speaking to the media following the meeting, Council President Abdul Latheef Hassan revealed the council members requested to dissolve the agreement made with Indian-based company. Abdul Latheef Hassan said discussions regarding the agreement were held with the president, particularly on the challenges faced due to the agreement. In addition, the council members revealed the president was informed the residents of Kulhdhuffushi now want the hospital to be operated by the government, rather than a private company.

Noorul Islam owns 80% share of the Kulhudhuffushi Regional Hospital. The Maldivian government handed over Kulhudhuffushi Regional Hospital to Noorul Islam International Private Limited in July, 2017 for a period of 50 years.

Under the agreement, the hospital is to be converted to a 150-bed multi-specialty tertiary hospital within a period of 16 months. However, the hospital is not operated according to the agreement which weakened the quality of the services provided after disputes between two shareholders of the company.