
President still believes the ruling coalition should compete as a unified front

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has said he still believes the ruling coalition should compete in the upcoming parliamentary elections as a unified front.

Speaking to the media at a press conference held at the President’s Office, President Solih noted the main ruling party, Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), has signed an agreement separately with other coalition partners, Jumhooree Party (JP) and Adhaalath Party (AP), to compete in the parliamentary elections as a coalition. The president said an agreement was not signed with the fourth coalition partner, Maumoon Reform Movement. He further added no single document was signed by all coalition partners as they could not come to an agreement regarding allocating consitutiences among the four parties for the parliamentary elections.

President Solih further revealed the aim was to compete for the presidential election, parliamentary elections and local council elections as a coalition. Although, the coalition had an agreement for the presidential election, the four parties failed to come to an agreement for the upcoming elections, according to the president. However, he expressed hope the coalition would hold a parliamentary majority, even with the disagreements that has surfaced with the parliamentary elections scheduled for April 6.

The president said the coalition is united and has not faced a serious issue that would dismantle the relations between the four parties. He added the parties have acted accordingly and not in a manner that would disrupt the relations among the coalition partners.