
Adeeb transferred to jail as per Supreme Court stay order

Pursuant to the Supreme Court stay order regarding the High Court order to transfer former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb to house arrest, Maldives Correctional Service has transferred him back to jail. The decision comes amid repeated appeals by his family to transfer him to house arrest, citing his medical condition.

The High Court verdict to transfer him to house arrest was issued, disregarding the prosecution's reiterated negation that such action was necessary. The High Court verdict was issued with the consensus of the presiding bench.

Taking to twitter to express discontent about the stay order issued, within less than 24 hours since Adeeb was transferred to house arrest, his wife, Mariyam Nashwa called on authorities not to drag him back and forth. She insisted instead of dragging him back and forth it would be better for the state to declare Adeeb would be granted no human rights.