
Elections Commission unable to take action against PNC

Elections Commission has revealed it is unable to take any action against People's National Congress (PNC), although they are aware resources of Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) were used in registering the party.

On January 27, a complaint was filed by a member of PPM requesting to investigate the use of resources of PPM in efforts to register PNC.

At a press conference held by the 3-member committee formed by Elections Commission to investigate the complaints, Mahfooz Saeed said the electoral body decided to not take any action against PNC, as the complaint was filed after the commission granted necessary permits to hold the inaugural meeting of PNC.

Elections Commission has amended Political Party Regulations which allows to dissolve a political party if resources of other political parties are used in the formation of a new party. However, the issue of PNC utilising resources of PPM took place before the new regulation was compiled, according to Mahfooz.

The new regulation grants the right to file cases at investigative authorities, if the process of forming a new party vacates the leadership posts of an existing party, halts the operation of an existing party or if resources of an existing political party are used in forming a new party. The regulation also grants the commission to cancel the permit given to form a new party in any aforementioned situations.