
Home Minister assures inmates of access to healthcare

Minister of Home Affairs Imran Abdulla has stated there are no obstructions for any inmate in accessing proper healthcare, assuring the state will not influence or obstruct the medical procedures of inmates. The home minister made the comments following a tweet posted by Mariyam Nashwa, spouse of former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb.

In her tweet, Nashwa called upon Home Minister Imran, to allow her prisoned husband to undergo an independent biopsy as prescribed by doctor, without any influence. She mentioned Adeeb's brother died fighting against cancer and Adeeb is having a similar cyst in the exact place as his brother.

Replying to Nashwa's tweet, the home minister assured to cooperate with the medical procedures of inmates without any influence, adding he does not wish to obstruct medical procedures of inmates.

Adeeb's family and supporters have widely accused the home minister of influencing the medical procedures of Adeeb.