
MRM decides to compete for 10 additional seats

Maumoon Reform Movement (MRM) has decided to compete for 10 additional seats in the upcoming parliamentary elections.

The movement led by former President Maumoon Abdul Gayyoom revealed despite the previous decision to compete for 35 seats, MRM has decided to compete for 10 additional seats, which will take the total number of seats it will field candidates to 45. The opportunity for interested candidates to express interest is open until February 6, added MRM.

Meanwhile, four individuals have also withdrawn their names to compete in the parliamentary elections with the approval of former President Maumoon. MRM expressed a decision was made following discussions held with the candidates.

Furthermore, MRM has also decided not to compete for the constituencies former President Mohamed Nasheed, Parliament Speaker Qasim Ibrahim and the 12-reinstated parliamentarians will be contesting in the elections.