
President notes importance of an educated young generation in development

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has stated an educated young generation is the most effective and guaranteed pathway to development.

Delivering the presidential address 2019, President Solih assured Maldivian youth will have the option to pursue tuition-free first degrees in the country before the end of the month. Noting the education sector was allocated the greatest amount from the state budget as an added measure to accelerate the development journey, which was equal to 11.2 percent of the total budget, President Solih added the administration is committed to providing higher education opportunities for the youth. In this regard, the president assured universal education will be guaranteed expressing hope job opportunities will be expanded.

Furthermore, President Solih said more loan opportunities will be opened in the near future, adding students will be given opportunity to pursue their studies in SAARC countries as well as Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines and China. The president highlighted under the new administration's policy to ensure an education that is comprehensive and well rounded, classes are held for one session daily in 144 schools. In this regard, he said a similar transformation is in progress for another 69 schools, where a feasibility audit is in the works to identify the facilities necessary to change school hours to a single session and plans for operationalization are underway.