
DRP decides to contest for 4 constituencies

Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP) has formed a coalition with Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) and has revealed the decision to contest for 4 constituencies in the upcoming parliamentary elections.

In a press statement, DRP revealed the party council has decided to compete for 4 constituencies. Candidates from DRP will contest for 3 constituencies in Male' City, in addition to Kaashidhoo constituency. In this regard, party leader Mohamed Nasheed is competing for Kaashidhoo constituency, Mohamed Fishaaveen Saleem is contesting for South Henveiru constituency, Dr. Mohamed Shaafiee is contesting for South Galolhu constituency and Ahmed Shaan is contesting for Mid-Machangolhi constituency.

Furthermore, DRP revealed party leader Mohamed Nasheed and Mohamed Fishaaveen Saleem has been endorsed by former President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom, while PPM is vetting the remaining two contestants to extend support.

DRP was formed by former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom. However, following disputes within the leadership, key figures broke away from the party. The supporters of Maumoon formed PPM. DRP was then run under the leadership of Ahmed Thasmeen Ali. He left the party and joined Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) and the leadership was passed on to the current leader, former Parliamentarian Mohamed Nasheed.

Maumoon has been ousted from PPM and has begun efforts to form a new political party.