
It is crucial for military ties are established between India and Maldives: Nasheed

Former President Mohamed Nasheed has stated it is crucial for the South Asia region that military ties are established between India and Maldives.

Speaking to media before departing to India, former President Nasheed said Indian Government does not ever wish to take over Maldives, adding India never exerted efforts to take over Maldives, as it is not within their policies. Nasheed expressed taking over a democratic administration to undermine their sovereignty is never included in the policies of governing.

Furthermore, the former president assured relations between India and Maldives will never hinder the independence of Maldives revealing the ties benefit both countries mutually.

During the trip made on an invitation of Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) and Jawaharlal Nehru University, former President Nasheed will lecture regarding democracy at Jawaharlal Nehru University and lecture on climate change at ICCR.