
HRCM asks PG to raise charges against negligence towards medical treatment when Maumoon was in prison

Human Rights Commission of Maldives (HRCM) has forwarded a case to Prosecutor General’s Office to raise charges against negligence towards medical treatment to former President Maumoon Abdul Gayyoom while he was in prison.

Even though HRCM revealed the case has been forwarded to Prosecutor General’s Office to raise charges, it is not clear against whom the charges are raised.

The family of Maumoon filed a case at HRCM, citing negligence of Maldives Correctional Service towards medical treatment of Maumoon, while he was still in prison. After his arrest during the State of Emergency declared in Maldives in February last year, the former president was charged with terrorism, alleging he played a major role in issuing the Supreme Court verdict on February 1 last year.

However, Prosecutor General’s Office withdrew the charges against Maumoon.