
President expresses commitment to develop the potential of youth

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has appealed all youth to contribute for the development of the nation and to make the best use of the free-degree programmes.

Addressing the ceremony held to inaugurate Free Education Scheme for Degree Students, President Solih expressed commitment to develop the potential of youth and see them contribute to the nation even more. Noting the administration put more importance to the education sector in its development plan as education is the key aspect of a developing a nation, the president said the biggest amount in the State Budget 2019 was allocated to the education sector. In this regard, the president noted it is the first time in history of Maldives, such a large amount was allocated for the education sector.

The current administration has paved way for youth by providing golden opportunities, highlighted the president, advising every youth to make the best use of such opportunities. Moreover, President Solih stated from today onwards students can pursue first degrees in-country for free with the launch of Free Education Scheme for Degree Students, adding education is the greatest enabler. Furthermore, the president said the main aim of providing free degree programmes is to enable studying while staying in the country with family and to enable hassle free degree completion.

As part of the pledge of the administration, all degree programmes of the Maldives National University (MNU) and Islamic University of Maldives (IUM) are made free, while a large amount of course fees from private universities are borne by the government.