
Cases of neglect towards elderly citizens relatively high: Gender Minister

Minister of Gender, Family and Social Services Shidhatha Shareef has revealed the cases of neglect towards elderly citizens are relatively high considering Maldives is a small nation.

Speaking at the ceremony held to inaugurate the programmes for the year under Ranveyla Campaign, Gender Minister Shidhatha said last year alone 70 cases of neglect towards elderly people were reported, adding it is a high number compared to such a small nation like Maldives. The Ranveyla campaign was initiated to promote participation, protection, and well-being of elder persons, she said.

The gender minister with regret noted while a less number of cases are reported at the ministry, there will be many cases which goes unreported. She added some elderly people die due to such unfavourable situations.

Ranveylaa Campaign, aimed at increasing the participation of elderly persons within the family and community, enhance care and assistance provided to them and improve their health and emotional well-being, was initially launched on August 14, 2016. The campaign focuses on three thematic areas: Participation, Caring and Well-being to promote issues related to elderly persons, according to Ministry of Gender, Family and Social Services.