
Results of anti-bullying policy to be seen within a year

Ministry of Education has revealed the results of the anti-bullying policy will be seen within a year. The education ministry unveiled a comprehensive plan to stop bullying and help victims of bullying and inaugurated a programme to facilitate medical check-ups through the school system.

Speaking regarding the policies on a programme aired on PSM News, Deputy Director General Hussain Rasheed said months have passed since efforts were exerted to implement the policies, although positive results are unseen due to some issues in schools. He stated a child protection policy was formulated in the past, adding the biggest challenge faced in implementation is the lack of a proper certified personnel designated for schools.

Moreover, Hussain Rasheed added the positive results of the anti-bullying policy will be seen within a period of one year, if the necessary facilities are made available. He said if the current issues are not solved, the results will be seen within three to four years. He expressed the cooperation and support from the whole society is needed for the fight against bullying.

While 213 schools are operated in Maldives, not every school is designated with a health officer or a counsellor. The education ministry said health officers are employed by 60 schools and counsellors are employed by about 50 schools. The ministry aims to place one health officer and a counsellor in each school in the coming years.

The newly inaugurated policy underlines the support programme for victims and actions to be taken against the child who bullies.