
Maldives hopeful of positive ties with Portugal

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has expresses hope the beginning of the new ambassadorial tenure will pave way to further strengthen ties between Maldives and Portugal. The president made the remarks at the ceremony held to formally present credentials of newly appointed Ambassador of Portugal to Maldives Jose' De Pinho Pereira.

Upon receiving the credentials, President Solih warmly welcomed the ambassador to Maldives and expressed hope the beginning of his ambassadorial tenure will herald the reinvigoration of positive ties between the two countries. Both the president and ambassador acknowledged the historical encounter between Maldives and Portugal many centuries ago, whilst emphasising the future is what holds more importance.

Both the president and ambassador expressed mutual hope that Portugal and the Maldives can begin a new chapter in positive cooperation on a number of avenues, including in sport, economic development and renewable energy.

The ambassador stated that it was a privilege to represent his country to Maldives and expressed the positive hope that bonds between the two countries will further strengthen during his tenure.