
Higher Education Ministry completes all first 100-days pledges

Ministry of Higher Education has completed all 7 pledges included in the first 100-days pledge policy of the administration.

Speaking at a press conference, Minister of Higher Education Dr. Ibrahim Hassan announced the completion of all the pledges. The higher education minister highlighted the last pledge completed was drafting and submitting a bill to enhance the tasks of Maldives Qualification Authority (MQA) to ensure a high level of education is attained by the students.

Noting a bill on enhancing the education sector is already in a parliamentary committee, the minister revealed several obstacles were faced in drafting a separate bill to enhance the services provided by MQA.

Explaining the pledges achieved, the higher education minister highlighted A' Level top achievers will get scholarships from desired universities from next year onwards. Further, the minister added interest rate of student loans have been reduced to 3% from the initial 5% , as part of the new loan regulation, noting the loans announced from September onwards will follow the reviewed regulations, In addition, he revealed the loan paying period has been extended to 20 years to ease the process after restructuring the loan payments.