
Thinadhoo Hospital to be developed to tertiary standards

Ministry of Health has begun efforts to transform Abdul Samad Memorial Hospital in Thinadhoo in Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll to a tertiary standard hospital.

As part of the efforts, the health ministry has decided to construct a new building of the hospital to introduce and expand more healthcare services. The ministry is now seeking a designer for the new building.

Deputy Director General at the health ministry Thasleema Usman said the existing building of the hospital was not designed in a way it can be expanded. Therefore, she said the construction of a new building is necessary.

The 50-bed Abdul Samad Memorial Hospital would be developed as a tertiary standard hospital after taking into account the healthcare needs of the people living in the region, according to health ministry. The ministry assured importance would be given to allow patients to do more medical and laboratory tests from the newly developed hospital.