
President hosts official dinner for visiting delegations for MPF 2019

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has hosted an official dinner in honour of the visiting delegations for Maldives Partnership Forum 2019.

The banquet was held at Kurumba Maldives. President Solih, Vice President Faisal Naseem along with some members of the cabinet, members of visiting delegation for the forum were in attendance at the function.

The forum is one of the largest multilateral gatherings to be held in the Maldives in over a decade, signalling the keenness of the administration, and interest from the partners to positively engage in issues of mutual concern under the administration of President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih. The forum was inaugurated by President Solih during the Introductory Session: Welcome to Island Nation.

During the course of the day, 3 plenary sessions were held. The first plenary session focused on the macroeconomic and fiscal overview, in which presentations were delivered by some of the cabinet ministers.

The second plenary session began with a keynote address delivered by Vice President Naseem. The theme for the second plenary session was on Blue Economy: Addressing inclusivity and sustainability in economic development.

The third plenary session was on Enhancing Social Outcomes: Investing in healthcare, education and housing. Moderated panel discussions took place during each session with cabinet ministers as panellists.

Day two sessions commenced covered the plenary sessions on addressing issues on governance and justice, and partnering with the private sector for development.