
Cases of Diarrhoea reported have increased: HPA

Health Protection Agency (HPA) has stated cases of diarrhoea reported across the country have increased during the past month.

HPA said from July onwards cases of diarrhoea have increased, adding the disease spread when infected people touch food or surfaces with their hands without properly washing the hands. HPA stated it is important to properly wash hands with soap to prevent the spread of viral diarrhoea, adding washing hands after using the toilet, changing diapers and before preparing food or feeding can prevent the spread of the disease.

HPA noted other diseases such as typhoid fever can also have symptoms such as diarrhoea. Few cases of suspected typhoid are also reported in Maldives, according to HPA. In this regard, 4 cases were reported in the first 6 months of the year from Male' area.

Noting Typhoid is a disease caused by a bacteria and spread by contaminated food and water, usually by an infected person or carrier, HPA explained symptoms of typhoid fever include loss of appetite, abdominal pain, high fever, general aches and pains while some people can have diarrhoea and a rash. HPA highlighted Typhoid is diagnosed by stool testing and is treated using antibiotics.

Moreover, HPA said it is important that those diagnosed with typhoid complete a full course of antibiotics. HPA mentioned prevention is mainly proper treatment of cases and carriers, and proper hand washing and hygienic food handling.