
MTCC contracted to upgrade Hanimaadhoo Harbour

Ministry of National Planning and Infrastructure has contracted Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC) to upgrade the harbour of Hanimaadhoo, Haa Dhaalu Atoll. The agreement was signed by Permanent Secretary of Planning Ministry Zeeniya Ahmed Hameed and COO of MTCC Shahid Hussain Moosa.

As part of the agreement, the harbour upgrade will consist of dredging and reclamation of 53,523 cubic metres along with the construction of a 355 metre breakwater, 90 metres of groynes, 270 metres of quay wall and 50 metres of revetment. Additionally, the agreement includes the construction of 2,583 square metres of pavement, the supply and installation of two-arm streetlights, a ramp and mooring buoys.

The project is estimated to cost USD 3.707 million.