
Maldives partners with Parley for plastic-free oceans

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has announced the Maldives' partnership with Parley for the Oceans, an organization specifically dedicated to fight against the proliferation of plastic pollution in the Oceans. The president made the announcement speaking at the function held in Cooper Hewitt Museum in New York to mark the new partnership.

Highlighting on the adverse effects of marine plastic pollution, President Solih noted Maldives' traditions, way of life, and even language have been heavily influenced by the sea. The president stressed that protecting this precious resource is linked to the very survival of the Maldives. He said ocean pollution not only threatens to compromise the two major industries that form the bedrock of the Maldives' economy, tourism and fisheries but threatens to decimate the coral reefs that form the Maldivian islands.

Reiterating the announcement he made in his maiden address to the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), the president expressed Maldives have taken several measures intended to reduce and ultimately eliminate single-use plastic in the workplace and in consumer lifestyles, adding Maldives aim to become plastic-free by the year 2023.

Calling upon businesses to change their practices, President Solih urged them to avoid plastic packaging and embrace the use of environmentally-responsible materials. The president further called on the international community, especially businesses enterprises, to do their due diligence in regulating their businesses to reduce their plastic products output.

Emphasising the pursuit of Maldives to position itself as a global champion of change, the president said Maldives will strive to set the example and take initiative to do as much as it can. However, he said realistically sole efforts from Maldives will not suffice. He maintained the scale of the problem is too large, adding the spread of plastic waste in the ocean is a borderless issue that demands a concerted global effort in response.

Speaking further about the partnership with Parley for the Oceans, President Solih noted it was one organisation which truly understands how deeply ocean health is entwined with human security. He further applauded Parley's local chapter, Parley Maldives, and its efforts to raise awareness on the fragility of the ocean.

Through the partnership with Parley, Maldives will support the implementation of the Parley AIR Strategy: avoid plastic where possible by education and communication and offering alternative solutions to single-use plastic; Intercept plastic waste and channel it to reuse, reducing the production of virgin plastic; and redesign and create alternative and new solutions with new material technologies and new product design.