
Family Justice Symposium concludes proposing a multitude of amendments

Judicial Symposium on Family Justice organised by Judicial Academy in collaboration with Family Court and UNICEF Maldives has concluded, proposing a multitude of amendments to Family Law.

The symposium was the first of its kind for lawyers and other stakeholders to come together to academically debate and discus issues in practicing family law. The participants of the three-day symposium was awarded certificates at a ceremony held in Bandos Island Resort.

Speaking at the certificate awarding ceremony, High Court Judge Ali Sameer said the Family Act needs significant rectification as proposed by most participants of the symposium. He further explained the symposium identified issues resulting from miscommunication, varied practices, and lack of awareness in different institutions amongst the judiciary.

The amendments suggested on strengthening the Family Law by the participants were widely discussed in the symposium.

The Attorney General's Office (AG Office) also presented a paper, proposing measures that can be taken to strengthen the practices and standards.

The symposium was attended by 116 participants including judges, lawyers, representatives from AG Office, and other stakeholders from non-governmental organisations.