
Continued care is vital for treatment of mental illnesses: First Lady

First Lady Fazna Ahmed has said continued care is vital for persons undergoing treatment and care for mental illnesses. The first lady made the statement at the launching ceremony of In My Mind, a creative arts exhibition focusing on mental wellbeing and the Be Kind movement; a support group for persons with mental illnesses. The ceremony was held at the National Art Gallery.

Speaking at the inaugural ceremony, First Lady Fazna highlighted the establishment of the Centre for Mental Health saw a clear rise in the number of people seeking treatment and that she believes that a comprehensive service with increased efficiency and resources is essential. She further stated that enhanced treatment plans are imperative for the success of a comprehensive therapeutic programme.

Stressing on the importance of standardised service, the first lady expressed her confidence in the growth of the service, stating that services must remain uninterrupted while ensuring continued availability of medicine and ease of access to therapists. She further noted her aim for well-established services, increased bed space at the wards and better facilities at hand.

The two-day exhibition hosted by Centre for Mental Health in collaboration with Ministry of Arts, Culture and Heritage, National Centre for the Arts and Rotary Club of Male', aims to increase awareness on mental health issues and eliminate public stigma regarding mental health through artistic expressions showing the beauty of minds.

The presidential pledges also include providing treatment plans with full support for mental health patients. Accordingly, the administration has previously inaugurated the Maldives' National Mental Health Institute as part of the government's first 100 days’ pledges. The administration also expanded the national healthcare insurance coverage to include treatment and medicine for mental health patients.