
Planning Ministry contracts harbour development, water and sewerage projects

Ministry of National Planning and Infrastructure has contracted projects to develop harbours in 2 islands, establish water and sewerage facilities in 2 islands and completing Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) for land reclamation projects in 11 islands.

State-owned Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC) was contracted to construct harbours in Rakeedhoo, Vaavu Atoll for USD 1.202 million and Guraidhoo, Thaa Atoll for USD 2.989 million. MTCC will complete the harbour development project in Rakeedhoo within 349 days and the harbour development project in Guraidhoo within 475 days, according to the agreement signed.

Meanwhile, Azrova Maldives Private Limited joint venture with Water Engineering Solution Services Private Limited was contracted to establish water and sewerage facilities in Angolhitheem, Raa Atoll for USD 1.271 million and water and sewerage facilities in Kurimbi, Haa Dhaalu Atoll for another USD 1.271 million. Both projects should be completed within 685 days.

Furthermore, the planning ministry contracted 3 companies to EIA for land reclamation projects in 11 islands.