
Religious scholars meet president concerning MDN report

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has met a number of religious scholars concerning the report published by Maldives Democracy Network (MDN) which mocked the tenets of Islam and Prophet Mohamed.

The scholars discussed concerns regarding the statements in the report and other religious concerns in the country. The scholars thanked President Solih for meeting them and listening to their concerns.

Thanking President Solih for listening to concerns of the scholars, Dr. Mohamed Iyaz, a renowned scholar in Maldives, expressed that he expects swift actions against the report. He further expected to see practical measures from the administration regarding other areas of discussions.

President Solih condemned the report earlier, before meeting with the scholars. The president also said as per the constitution, Islam is the only allowed religion in Maldives and the fundamental footing behind all laws in Maldives is Islam, and he, as the elected head of the state, is entrusted with the authority to govern the nation according to the tenets and principles of Islam. He further assured prompt actions to ensure religious unity and social harmony that exists in the Maldivian society.