
Action to be taken under Maldivian laws against those who mock Islam

Minister of Home Affairs Imran Abdulla has stated action will be taken under Maldivian laws against those who mock Islam.

The home minister made the statement in a tweet following the temporary cessation of activities upon the Maldivian Democracy Network (MDN) following widespread public condemnation of a report published by the organisation in 2016, entitled Preliminary Assessment of Radicalization in the Maldives, due to content slandering Islam and the Prophet Mohamed (PBUH). In his tweet, Minister Imran reminded legal action would be taken against those who mock Islam in Maldives, adding the administration would not let go such cases unanswered.

In a statement, Ministry of Foreign affairs revealed the imposed cessation of activities will be effective for the duration of the state's investigation into the matter. The Government of Maldives remains fundamentally committed to upholding all the rights enshrined in the constitution, including those of free expression. The statement reminded all parties the exercise of all these rights is subject to refrainment from creating communal discord or blatantly contravening the fundamental tenets of Islam.

Further, the Maldives Government said it is firmly committed to upholding the democratic rights of the citizens including those of expression and peaceful assembly as prescribed in both domestic laws as well as international treaties to which Maldives are party to including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), Article 19 of which lists freedom of speech and expression as fundamental human Rights. However, the foreign ministry said as recognized in the ICCPR, these rights cannot be exercised maliciously, in the form of hate-speech, or in a manner that contributes to public discord and enmity.

Meanwhile, in a statement, President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih asserted that observing and respecting the holy tenets of Islam is a fundamental facet of Maldivian society and is stipulated under Article 10 of the Maldives Constitution. He further noted any attempts to tarnish the name of Islam or Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) will not be permitted in Maldives, adding the allegations against MDN, relating to the aforementioned report, will be thoroughly investigated and appropriate measures will be taken as stipulated under the Maldives Constitution.

The president also appealed to the public to continue to conform to holy directives and principles of Islam and unify in peace and solidarity.