
Upholding Islamic faith is every citizen's holy and patriotic duty: President

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has urged all citizens to be steadfast in upholding Islamic faith, stressing it is the holy and patriotic duty of every Maldivian to uphold the tenets of Islam. The president made the statement in his message to the country on the anniversary of the Day Maldives Embraced Islam.

In his message, President Solih commemorated how Almighty Allah led Maldivians to the Islamic faith some 893 years ago and congratulated all citizens on this joyous occasion. The president said the greatest blessing bestowed upon the Maldives is the light of Islam and the guidance of the Almighty. He urged everyone to remember and value this blessing.

The president also emphasized it is duty of all parents, guardians, teachers and education professionals to take steps to ensure that youth and children are educated and informed about Islam. He further said the means to stop integrating non-Islamic values into the community and disrespecting the religion were to build faith from a young age through imparting truthful knowledge about Islam.

In his message, President Solih further spoke about maintaining unity and strengthening the ties of kinship that exist in the community, and urged everyone to be compassionate and forgiving towards one another.