
President meets representatives of Bodybuilding Association of Maldives

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has met with athletes and officials of the Bodybuilding Association of Maldives. The meeting was held at the President’s office this evening.

Representatives of the association extended appreciation and commended the impartial work undertaken during the past year by the government to develop sports in the Maldives, especially emphasising the work initiated by the government to develop bodybuilding as a sport in the country. In this regard, the representatives deliberated on the financial assistance and training equipment availed to them by the government.

Moreover, the representatives informed the president of the challenges that are being faced by the association in further developing the sport. They also assured the president of their aim to bring success and a good name in the sports of bodybuilding to the Maldives.

The representatives also shared information on the latest updates on the preparations of the Asian Bodybuilding Championship which will commence next year. The association's members have won medals from several competitions throughout the year.

Speaking at the meeting, President Solih congratulated the athletes on the success they achieved during the past year and reiterated that this government would work on diminishing the differences and establishing fairness in different sports. He further stated that in unison with the line ministry, the government would work on finding avenues to overcome the barriers and challenges in progressing bodybuilding in the Maldives.

During the meeting, the association also presented the president with the World Bodybuilding Federation Gold medal (WBPF Distinguished Service Award). The award was presented to President Solih by the Executive Vice President of the Asian Bodybuilding and Physique Sports Federation Ibrahim Hameed and Executive Member of South Asian Bodybuilding and Fitness federation Ali Rifau. This is the first medal of its kind to be presented to any president in the Asian region, and was presented on behalf of the World Bodybuilding Federation.