
Government spent over USD 64 million to provide cheap electricity

Minister of Environment Dr. Hussain Rasheed Hassan has revealed the government has spent over USD 64 million in efforts to provide cheaper electricity services. The environment minister made the remarks at the ceremony held to launch the integration of renewable energy hybrid systems into power systems in 48 islands.

Addressing the ceremony, the environment minister said since the Maldives does not produce oil and burning oil to produce electricity is the most expensive method, the government has to bear a large amount to ensure affordable electricity services to all households. Speaking in this regard, the minister revealed the government aims to reduce the dependency on burning oil to provide electricity and to promote renewable energy production methods. The Strategic Action Plan 2019-2023 expects by 2023 share of renewable energy in the national energy mix is increased by 20% compared to 2018 adding government is working towards achieving the goal, minister mentioned.

Integrating renewable energy hybrid systems into power systems in 48 islands is a project conducted by the environment ministry in association with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) as part of the programme to develop the renewable energy sector sustainably. The project focused on 1260 inhabited islands is the biggest energy project ever launched in the Maldives.

Reversing the dependence on imported fuel, and investing in renewable energy is a key priority of the government to improve energy security of the country.