
Hithadhoo Regional Hospital in Addu City to be abolished

The government of Maldives has decided to abolish Hithadhoo Regional Hospital in Addu City.

Speaking to PSM News regarding the decision, Minister of Health Abdulla Ameen said the administration plans to abolish the regional hospital when the Addu Equatorial Hospital comes in to operation. Ameen explained the administration has also decided to transfer staff and equipment from the regional hospital to the equatorial hospital. He added the development of the equatorial hospital has been completed and is ready for inauguration.

Although the equatorial hospital in Addu is ready for inauguration, the administration has not announced a date when the 100-bed facility will come in to operation. The hospital also houses 6 private rooms. The management of the hospital had said initially the facility would provide public medical healthcare services, although plans are underway to begin specialist medical healthcare services as well.

Addu Equatorial Hospital will begin its services with 25 specialist doctors, 11 medical officers and 73 nurses. Upon inauguration the hospital will offer cardiology, urology, respiratory, dental, reproductive health and therapy services. The hospital will also offer tests and surgery services for major diseases.

Addu Equatorial Hospital will be the first tertiary-level healthcare facility in the second largest city in Maldives.