
Superior courts to be transferred to Court Complex in Hulhumale’

Department of Judicial Administration (DJA) has decided to transfer Civil Court, Juvenile Court and Family Court to the court complex which is being developed in Hulhumale’.

The agreement to hand over the plot for the development of the court complex was signed yesterday by DJA and Housing Development Corporation (HDC). The court complex will be developed in the Central Park area of Hulhumale’.

Speaking at the signing ceremony, Judicial Administrator Dr. Abdulla Nazeer said the development of the court complex will be carried out over multiple phases. He said the first phase of development will see the construction of 10-storey building which will accommodate Civil Court, Family Court and Juvenile Court.

Nazeer said the project is part of the efforts of the administration to resolve the lack of space in courts which are located in Male’. He said space issues are especially a concern for Civil Court, Family Court and Juvenile Court, which are currently housed in the Justice Building in Male’ City.

The judicial administrator said the second phase of the project will see the development of another building in the complex to house the Criminal Court. He said the building will be developed with all the facilities required to conduct criminal trials, adding the development will also facilitate better services for individuals seeking services from the court.

Meanwhile, Deputy Managing Director of HDC Ahmed Athif said the corporation will provide its full support and assistance to the project, as it is an important project which will resolve some of the difficulties faced by the judiciary.

The court complex is being developed in a 37,494 square metre plot in Hulhumale’.