
Defence Minister acknowledges Japanese aid to Maldives

Minister of Defence Mariya Ahmed Didi has stated the damages and dangers to Maldives have been minimised over the years from the assistance provided from the Government of Japan.

Speaking at the ceremony held to celebrate the 60th birthday of Japanese Emperor Naruhito, the defence minister highlighted the several assistances provided to Maldives by Japan since the establishment of diplomatic ties in 1976. In this regard, the minister highlighted the assistance provided by Japan for the education sector and establishing disaster management resources in Maldives.

At the ceremony, Minister Mariya spoke on how the relations between Maldives and Japan are flourishing since President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih assumed office. Noting Japan provides assistance to Maldives in every situation, the minister highlighted the outer wall of Male' built by Japan and the fire extinguisher vehicles donated by Japan which assisted in saving several lives.

Meanwhile, Ambassador of Japan to Maldives Keiko Yanai noted Japan attaches a high importance to Maldives. Noting the geographical location of Maldives makes the country an important economical route, the ambassador assured to assist in protecting the country.

The ceremony held to celebrate the birthday of Japanese Emperor Naruhito was attended by cabinet ministers and foreign dignitaries in Maldives.