
Administration's policy is to reduce electricity costs: President

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has affirmed the commitment of the administration to reduce electricity costs. The president made the remarks while speaking at the function held to celebrate the 70th anniversary of State Electric Company Limited (STELCO).

Highlighting that electricity costs could not be reduced without the combined efforts of the administration and the public, President Solih urged the public to exercise their share of the responsibilities by reducing energy consumption and wastage. He then called on the public to heed the advice of STELCO on energy efficiency.

Furthermore, President Solih noted the administration had successfully harmonised electricity tariffs across the country, eliminating decades-old disparities between Malé City and the outer atolls. He further stated the administration accords high priority to protecting the environment.

Speaking in this regard, President Solih stressed the efforts of the administration to lower the country's dependency on fossil fuels and increase the application of renewable energy sources. He then went on to highlight the progress of the efforts to install solar hybrid PV systems across the country.

Describing STELCO's five-year plan to provide photovoltaic solutions across the country as an ambitious move, the president said the efforts would exponentially increase the percentage of renewable energy in the national grid. He further emphasised the economic benefits of reducing the country's dependence on fossil fuels.

Speaking about STELCO's Green Life Initiative, President Solih stressed on the scourge of plastic pollution on the fragile ecosystem of Maldives. He further urged everyone to do their part in the fight against plastic pollution, especially against single-use plastics.