
Stock of medicine and staple food items sufficient: STO

State Trading Organisation (STO) has revealed medicine and staple food items in its stock are sufficient, adding efforts are underway to import more items.

Speaking at a press conference, Managing Director of STO Hussain Amr said although India halted export of surgical masks and medicine, there are no difficulties in importing the items as Maldives import medicines from other countries as well. Amr noted many people are buying and stocking staple food items as misinformation regarding COVID-19 outbreak is spreading widely. However, he ensured staple food items in its stock are sufficient.

Meanwhile, STO has limited the sale of surgical mask for individuals from pharmacies. Considering the reach of COVID-19 to other countries, Maldives is taking precautionary measures as there is a possibility of the virus reaching the island nation. Although, no patients have been tested positive for COVID-19, several measures are imposed on a national level by relevant authorities.

In this regard, Maldives established an Emergency Operation Centre to further strengthen measures against the global COVID-19 outbreak. The emergency centre was formed comprising of Health Protection Agency (HPA) and National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), upon advisory of President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih. The centre was established with the purpose to monitor the situation of Maldives in relevance to COVID-19 and measures to be taken based on the situation.

Moreover, HPA and NDMA conducted an emergency drill to determine the actions to be taken in case of an outbreak. The drill also determined actions to be taken by relevant authorities if a patient was found positive for COVID-19. During the drill, information was disseminated on how a household can be quarantined in case a person from a house is being tested for COVID-19.