
MTCC running 42 projects despite lockdown

Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC) has revealed it is currently running 42 projects in 35 islands despite the lockdown enforced in the Maldives due to COVID-19 pandemic.

Speaking to PSM News, Managing Director Adam Azim said MTCC aims to continue projects awarded without delaying and stopping work. Azim said continuing projects is very challenging during the lockdown as transport is largely suspended and supply of materials is limited.

The managing director said MTCC depends on imports in continuing projects and the suspension of transport has caused significant challenges in attaining materials and equipment. He added internal logistics is also at a halt, causing delays in transporting materials from one island to the another.

The managing director further clarified MTCC is collaborating with Ministry of Finance and Ministry of National Planning and Infrastructure and running weekly meetings to overcome the challenges. He highlighted the support MTCC receives from other authorities in conducting the projects during the lockdown.