
UN launches projects in the Maldives worth USD 1.76 million

The United Nations (UN) has launched two projects in the Maldives worth USD 1.76 million.

The agreement to launch the projects was signed by Maldivian Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdulla Shahid and UN Resident Coordinator in the Maldives Catherine Haswell.

The first project of the partnership is funded by the Joint Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Fund and will be implemented jointly by the government of the Maldives, UN agencies, civil society organizations, private sector and other partners. The two-year project will support the operationalisation of an Integrated National Finance Framework (INFF) process in the country.

With a total cost of USD 1.4 million, the initiative is aimed at strengthening the financial planning process and improving the targeting of financing towards the priority areas of climate action and gender responsive and equitable social sector service delivery. The project will deliver long-term development benefits to the Maldives and contribute towards the inclusive 2030 Agenda and the pledge of leaving no one behind.

The second project is the successful joint resource mobilisation by the government and UN Maldives from the first round of the UN COVID-19 Response and Recovery Multi-Partner Trust Fund, amounting to USD 360,000. The second project aims to improve the national response towards vulnerable groups, by expanding mental health and psychosocial support services available to the population and by increasing the preparedness of the Home for People with Special Needs. The government and UN agencies will partner with Maldivian Red Crescent and other partners for the next 5 months for the successful implementation of the project.

Speaking at the event, Foreign Minister Shahid thanked the UN for its valuable support to the Maldives in providing much needed and timely assistance to the most vulnerable in the society, especially as the country enters the recovery phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, with the opening up of the borders and the easing of lockdown measures.

The UN Resident Coordinator Catherine Haswell reiterated the commitment of the UN to assist the Maldives in recovering better from the impacts of the pandemic and accelerate the achievement of the 2030 Agenda. She also expressed hope the partnerships signed will enable the development of stronger policies to create more inclusive and resilient communities that leave no one behind.

The foreign ministry stated the government and the UN endeavour to address the challenges to sustainable development and enhance the capacity to meet the needs of the most vulnerable in the country. The foreign ministry further noted the government and UN will closely monitor the targets of the joint programmes and maximise efforts to accelerate the achievement of the 2030 Agenda.