
Faresmaathoda Airport expected to be completed by late 2021

Minister of National Planning, Housing and Infrastructure Mohamed Aslam has stated the project to develop Faresmaathoda Airport in Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll is expected to be completed by late 2021.

Speaking at the Parliament of the Maldives, Minister Aslam said 70% of the land reclamation required for the airport has been completed. Noting the airport development project was contracted to Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC) on November 10, the minister said site mobilisation for the airport project will begin before December 15. He said the project is expected to be completed by late 2021.

An airport is being developed in Faresmaathoda for domestic flight operations. The project involves the development of a 1,200-metre runway, a terminal building and other facilities required for an airport. The approximate cost of the project is USD 9.4 million.

Minister Aslam also provided an update on the project to upgrade the harbour of Bileiyfahi, Shaviyani Atoll. The minister said the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of the project has been completed and submitted, adding the contractor will begin the project as soon as the EIA is approved.

Bileiyfahi harbour development project includes the dredging of 14,325 cubic metres from the harbour basin and 9,800 cubic metres from the entrance channel as well as the construction of a 376-metre breakwater, 98-metre revetment and 22-metre groynes. The project also involves installation of 5 mooring blocks, 2 navigation lights and 11 harbour lights.