
Oxygen plant established in Kulhudhuffushi Regional Hospital

Maldive Gas Private Limited has established an oxygen plant in Kulhudhuffushi Regional Hospital (KRH).

The oxygen plant was officially inaugurated by Parliamentarian for North Kulhudhuffushi constituency Yasir Abdul Latheef and the Managing Director of Maldive Gas Ali Ikram, during a special ceremony held at the hospital on December 28. During the ceremony, KRH and Maldive Gas signed the agreement for the operations of the plant.

Speaking at the ceremony, KRH Manager Ahmed Dhaawoodh highlighted the difficulties the hospital had been facing in acquiring medical oxygen. He said the establishment of the oxygen plant resolves a major issue faced by the hospital, and described it as a significant boost to improving the services of the hospital.

Meanwhile, Managing Director of Maldive Gas Ali Ikram revealed the transport of medical oxygen from Male’ to Kulhudhuffushi costs USD 130 per cylinder. He said the establishment of the oxygen plant in KRH eases the availability of oxygen for Kulhudhuffushi and other islands in the region.

The ceremony held to inaugurate the oxygen plant in KRH was attended by senior officials of Kulhudhuffushi Council, Haa Dhaalu Atoll Council and relevant authorities.